When it comes to coping effectively with PTSD, you are not alone. As the COVID-19 pandemic has affected all of us in one way or another, it has put many people into a tailspin. But for people who were already dealing with mental health conditions, navigating this crisis has been exceptionally difficult.

Those with depression may feel like they are walking through sludge and may feel worse being isolated. Others with anxietyanxiety anger with covid coronavirus crisis might find themselves stressed or worried even more with every negative headline. Then there are those battling post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). They may feel that all of their symptoms have been intensified by the difficult circumstances.

If you have PTSD, you might be concerned about getting through the day with questionable mental health. Perhaps you’re seeking strategies that will help you make it beyond the day through the next few months. You may be wanting to gain a sense of stability in your life.

Here are some ways of coping effectively with PTSD. Although these may not provide a “cure,” practicing them will likely help you feel more confident in your ability to handle the problems this pandemic presents.

1. Stay Connected

It is hard not to feel lonely when you are physically isolated from others. Sadly, this crisis has forced us to be distant from each other during a time when we need the support of our loved ones more than ever.

However, no matter how difficult this situation is making it, staying in touch with your family and friends is important to help you cope. Why not choose a few times during the week when you can video chat with a loved one? Even an old fashioned phone call can help with hearing their voice. Or perhaps find a friend who you can text when you’re feeling down and need reassurance.

Furthermore, if you live in an area that is not experiencing an increase in COVID-19 cases, or you are not high-risk for the virus, you may want to consider meeting up with a couple of responsible friends in a safe outdoor setting. Being resourceful in connecting with your support system is vital.

2. Focus on What You Can Control

Unfortunately, none of us can control what the virus does or will do in the near future. And for that matter how others may respond to it. But we do have some measure of control over our own health and lifestyle choices.

If you are dismayed by everything that you don’t have the power to change, try to focus on what you can change and control instead. For instance, you can make sure you have a mask handy when you need to use it around others. You can also take hand sanitizer with you wherever you go. Further, you can plan your errands around times and places with less congestion.

Consider your personal situation and then set boundaries that make you feel comfortable while prioritizing your own health.

3. Use Grounding and Mindfulness Techniques

Finally, it is important to focus on activities that make you feel stable and content during this tumultuous time.

Can you start your day with yoga and meditation? Could you keep a journal and vent about your feelings before you go to bed so that you’re not tossing and turning at night? Or can you commit to a fitness routine that helps you clear your mind and improve your physical health at the same time?

All of these activities will help you gain control over your PTSD symptoms and feel better when you get out of bed each morning. Simply focusing on healthy habits will also help you keep a positive attitude and feel more grounded. While eating well and making sure that you get eight hours of sleep can seem like simple solutions, these choices can work wonders!

In Addition to These Techniques, Get Therapy Help

Getting started with a healthy routine, de-stressing and applying these techniques can seem very overwhelming. It may seem like time is flying by while you feel as if you’re in a thick emotional swamp. As you look into coping effectively with PTSD, this is the time to draw on the support and encouragement from a compassionate counselor. A counselor can help you to sort out your stressful thoughts, feelings, actions, and attitude.

Have you struggled with PTSD in the past? If you felt like you were making progress in managing your symptoms, only to face new challenges with this pandemic, you may worry that you can’t move forward with your healing process. But with the help of a qualified therapist, you may begin to feel like yourself again. Regain hope for a better future…now. Please, feel free to reach out to us to find out how we can help you.

Call us at 520-292-9750 or email us at joel@pathwaystucson.com

Feel free to look up some of our therapists who counsel clients with PTSD. Kerry Kelly, Anne Sheffer, Jessica Miceli, Jerimya Fox