Are You Looking to Therapy for Your Child?

Have you noticed strange behavior in how you child interacts with you or others?
Does your child struggle or fight against change?
Do you find your child isolating from others?
Are there times when s/he whines or argues with you before leaving home?
Does your child have difficulty with self-regulation of emotions?
Do you feel overwhelmed with how or what to do to help your child?

Perhaps he or she is having on-going fears and then has outbursts of anger, crying or may isolate from you. The life situations that are occurring around your child may be too much for him/her to handle. Further, your child may have a drop in grades, loss of interest in things once enjoyed, or expressing a wish to die.  These things may be rather concerning and outright disturbing to you as a parent.

If You Feel Stuck…

troubled, or overwhelmed, we can help. Many times as a parent you recognizes things that are out of sorts with your child long before effective solutions come. We have found that parents gain a better understanding of themselves through their child’s therapy in order to help their child succeed in life. Thus, you are not alone in helping your child through these difficult times.

Child therapy is a way to help your child regain a sense of self, balance, confidence and healing. Although there may be chaos and uncertainty in his/her life, child therapy can assist in healthy and positive adjustments and changes. We here at Pathways Counseling Services are passionate about helping children and their families navigate through hard times toward a hopeful future. We find satisfaction in applying our education, training and skills throughout the counseling experience. Further, we have found that play therapy, parent involvement, along with interactive connecting helps the child to express herself/himself on their own terms to better improve coping.

I Know My Child Needs Help, Now What?

Many times the knowledge of need may be outweighed by fear, shame or guilt.  You may ask, “Will my child ever get better”? “Why is this happening now”?  “What am I supposed to do”? “Where do I go for help”? “What did I do wrong”?  Though these are legit questions many parents ask themselves, they are not to stop you from getting assistance. Asking questions is good. It starts with recognition, desire to get help, and taking action. Connecting with us today for child therapy is part of taking action. You are not alone through this journey.

Is Therapy Going To Help My Child?

First, it is our purpose to determine what issue/s need to be addressed. Then, what we may do to help along with connecting with you and your child. Finally, we move forward with a plan of action.  With these steps, we determine how therapy may help your child and within the context of his/her family. Throughout the therapy process, we apply our skills and training as well as our creativity to address the issue/s and needs for a successful outcome.

How Will You Know What to Do If My Child Won’t Speak Much?

child play therapyChildren’s verbal expression and vocabulary are much less than teens and adults. Also, they will generally express themselves in non-verbal ways (more typical of boys) especially when they don’t have the word or words for what they are thinking or feeling. Depending on the age, children have various forms of expression which they have learned from others or through the child’s experiences. Thus, we use play therapy. With play therapy, we learn from cues or clues in your child’s behavior and responses what and how to direct our therapy. Also, during child therapy, we help your child sort out difficulties through our interactions, emotional regulation, and problem solving skills. Each child has his/her own unique personality, expressions and perceptions of the world and those in their world.

To further understand, play is a familiar “language” children use to express themselves. Many times children will use their imagination via metaphors or fantasy instead of “adult talk” to tell us what’s going on inside of them. In this way, we help your child overcome his or her internal struggles so as to help your child self-regulate and adapt better to changes.

Sometimes, behavioral difficulties stem from earlier childhood memories or experiences that your child hasn’t figured out how to cope with. For example, there may have been a loss of a pet or family member. Perhaps a friend moved away or was mean to her or he had other uncomfortable experiences. If so, then you may see behavior or attitude changes when similar events occur.

What Part Will I Have in My Child’s Therapy?

Child therapy is designed with your child, you and the context of family in mind. As the parent, knowing what the counselor is doing, how your child is responding, and recognizing your role as a parent is crucial to successful child therapy.  Your part is very important as your child’s parent, caregiver, support, encourager, and influencer. Allow your child to look up to you and receive warmth, positive attention, direction, and affirmation. We look to you to continue as her/his parent long after therapy is done.

How Much Time and Cost Is There in Child Therapy?

Therapy is geared towards being brief with having an end in mind. However, each child is different along with different issues, needs and motivation. Some children are reluctant at first or they are learning how to trust the therapist and the process of therapy. Sometimes there are complications due to events, family situations, logistics, and other things. Also, there is always a cost involved in the things we deem as worth our time and resources. Child therapy is no exception. We view therapy as a life investment with great value in your child’s mental and emotional well-being.

Is This a Phase, or Is There Something More I Should Worry About?

sad childOften in their lives, children go through various “phases” or adjustments in their young life. They learn to crawl, walk, talk, count, read, and so many other experiences. They are learning to adapt, grow, learn new things, and experience many “firsts” in their lives. Each child will have typical responses to new situations, each one has her/his own personality and coping strategies. It’s when their behavior changes drastically, is odd or unusual. Further, s/he may revert to younger aged behaviors such as bed-wetting or have crying spells, extended temper tantrums, stealing, and other acting out behavior. Therefore, notice changes in behavior, attitude, social interactions or withdrawal from interacting with you or others. When you discover these things, talk with your child. Ask about changes at school, friends, homework difficulties, or examine changes at home. With a few or several of these things it may be time to make an appointment for your child with one of our counselors.

There Is Help and Hope Through Child Therapy

In our experiences in working with children, we have learned their resiliency, creativity and desire to adjust well to life and those in their lives. Our counselors are educated and trained in counseling children and aligning with parents. Our involvement together in addressing your concerns for your child is the first step toward a better, mentally and emotionally healthy child.

Feel free to give us a call at 520-292-9750 or by email jo**@pa************.com with questions or to set up an appointment with one of our child therapists.

Thea Thompson

Contact Form

4621 N 1st Ave Suite 7

Tucson, AZ 85718